Hello, hello!

I was fired a month ago. I have lived for several months now, so a month should not be that important. But it has. I have had the same routine from Monday to Friday for the last 7 years. And now I am lucky if I get to bed at the same time for two days in a row. Yet, for the first time in a long time, I have been able to sit down and write. Not a post in a blog, but the first draft of an episode for a tv show. I have been able to develop another two more ideas. And I am trying to organise the book I have been writing for the last…10 years, maybe? I am not saying I will get a living out of it. Or that I will reject any job not-writing related (if anything comes up). I have a mortgage after all. But I know now. I want to write. So…come in! We are open. Not sure what will come out of this, but hopefully I will able to deliver something for you to read from home to wherever you go.


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